Frequently Asked Questions
What is SPF.com?
ShopPalestineFIRST.com in an affordable online advertising medium for businesses in and around Palestine. Consider it an online mall if you will for one-stop-shopping and for searching for whatever you're looking for. With just a few clicks on the website, you are able to search for a restaurant, order, and in most cases have it delivered. Once the site is populated with ads you'll be able to go online and find just about whatever you're looking for in Palestine and the close surrounding area with just a few clicks!
As a business owner, how can I get an ad on SPF?
It's literally as easy as the Texas Two Step! Go to the "Contact" page, fill out the form, pay for the ad, and your ad will be posted on the site in no more than three business days.
Who is ShopPalestineFirst?
SPF is a collaboration between East Texas Programming and Lone Star Online Creations. Both are local businesses who created the website for the sole purpose of promoting local businesses to the local consumer.
How does SPF advertise?
Once we get the website populated with a few ads, and can get it scheduled, we'll be using local billboards in the area to advertise our website. That way... as a business owner, when we get noticed, YOU get noticed!
Does SPF cost anything to use? Do I have to buy a subscription?
No! ShopPalestineFIRST is and will always be free for the consumer to use. Our sole purpose is to allow free, online "search and shop" for everyone in the area. We're here to help you find what you're looking for in just a few mouse-clicks!